Chelsey & Ben Become Benches at Resurgence Brewery

Where do I begin!? I have known Chelsey for the better part of a decade back to her Fredonia days but we won’t lament on that for her and I’s sake. Through the years I have gotten to witness so much growth between Crown becoming a reality and now watching these two say I do. Ben is the calm to Chelsey’s upbeat personality and the way they level one another out is truly astounding. When I say their wedding day was a breeze, I really mean it. Everyone was just so happy to finally be at this long awaited day you’d be hard pressed to find something to be upset about. A short ceremony transitioned into friends reacquainting, drinks flowing and heartfelt speeches. It wouldn’t be their wedding though if both the bride and groom weren’t “ICED” three separate times! A big congratulations is due to Ben & Chelsey on getting hitched!